What Does the Good Citizen look like?
Lets start with the meaning of citizen.A citizen is a member of a states or country or nation or world. Well a "good citizen"is a person that does good things and good stuff to his or her community,nation,world. And a "bad citizen" is a person that does bad thing and do bad ways to his or her country,nation,world. The good citizen of one community does not liter in his or her community. A good citizen would take care of his or her family by giving them a place to live make sure there health is in good shape.A good citizen of a neighborhood would help clean up the neighborhood,they will help there neighbors,and do what ever they can to help there neighbor. What kind of place a good citizen live. Is in a nice "neighborhood". What does a good citizen of one's nation do? Well a good citizen of ones nation would try to stop prejudice and stereotype by teaching young ones what will happen if we keep this up would be like groups of races. Another way is to pay there taxes when it is due and another way is to stop of discrimination. A good citizen of a nation can help climate change by stopping pollution and by walking and biking instead of using cars and motorcycles.A good citizen of the world will do stuff that will help stop Global Warming by stopping people from polluting the earth. And there is some very good citizen of the world for example Gonad he help teach people about many stuff like religion which is the same as Martin Luther King Jr. he helped people meaning he help blacks have equal opportunity. And good citizen will volunteer to clean up the world .So a good citizen means a person of a place that they do good things to his or her place So everyone one in the world should be a good citizen.